Macarons are many girls’ (and even guys’) ultimate weakness. Showering someone with lots of macarons is akin to showering that person with love. I would relate buying macarons for yourself on any given occasion to buying a rose for yourself on Valentine’s Day. (Well, sadly I’m always buying macarons for myself to satisfy that craving.) Last Christmas, I received my first box of macarons (he got it from Antoinette!) and was instantly entranced, and felt loved and pampered. Receiving macarons to me is way better than receiving a diamond ring or a luxury purse. Not all macarons can charm the way Antoinette’s do though.
Already known for its great finesse in French pastries, Antoinette’s artisanal mooncakes further showcases the fine craftsmanship of French patisserie. Award-winning Chef Pang Kok Keong of Antoinette brings an array of mooncakes from the traditionally baked mooncakes to the mini snow skin mooncakes in tempting flavours (like Pandan Kaya with Roasted Macadamia Nuts, Seaweed with Southern Almond, Osmanthus Marble with Goji Berry and more), to the avant-garde mooncake that combines the classic French pastry with time honoured Chinese tradition. Let’s give it up for the Macaron Lunar.
Macaron Lunar ($19 for 6 in a limited edition box)
Smooth white lotus paste (low sugar if I might add) with an epicentre of salted egg yolk (just a pinch), is sandwiched between perfectly baked macaron shells. While it doesn’t give me the same sugar high a normal macaron does, I applaud Chef Pang for his creativity and ability to execute this macaron with flair.
From 1st August to 8th September 2014, DBS Credit/Debit cardholders get to enjoy 20% discount off the mooncakes.
Antoinette @ Penhas Road
30 Penhas Road (off Lavender Street)
Singapore 208188
Antoinette @ Mandarin Gallery
333A Orchard Road, Mandarin Gallery
#02-33/34, Singapore 238897
Palais Renaissance
Le Jardin d’Antoinette
390 Orchard Road, #B1-08/09/10C
Singapore 238871