Sand Boarding in Perth, WA @ the Sand Dunes!
this was definitely the highlight of my entire trip to West Australia!
I was initially hesitant to participate in anything “touristy” and wasting money on tours but this was definitely worth every cent! at 135 AUD per person, we took a 2-3 hour drive to the pinnacles before heading to the sand dunes for sand boarding.
I’ll do a separate post on the Pinnacles another day, here’s the video of me sand boarding!
it didn’t look as scary as it would be but as i was climbing up the slope, i was kinda freaking out (for someone so afraid of heights, bear in mind I’m too timid to attempt roller coaster rides!)
surprisingly I could overcome my fears and didn’t need help getting me down :)
i decided to give it another go after my first attempt and i was still freaking out and screaming on the way down!
and my mom encouraged me to go for a third and forth attempt. and it was finally enough for me. (climbing up the slope was extremely energy-consuming and i was breathless by the time i got to the top!)
I had so much fun!
shortly after we arrived in singapore, we heard news of Singaporeans involved in an accident at the exact spot we were at. not so fortunate for them, hope they’re fine now!
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